Theatre Department to Perform Antigone Now
The above poster contains performance times and a QR code for tickets.
October 19, 2022
The Theatre Department is extending an invite to any and all who wish to view its production Antigone Now.
The prodjuction swill take place in the Sale Theatre (3rd Floor of Schoolfield Hall) at the times listed below! Admission is FREE with a Ferrum College ID.
But first, the department asks that a few eitiquette tips be cinsiudered:
Arrive a few minutes early. Due to the nature of the show, latre arrivals will not be seated.
The production will begin promptly at the times listed below.
No phone use during the show, including pictures/videos/social media. It is illegal and distracting.
Please remain in your seats for the entire performance. Actors will be moving through the auditorium throughout the show, so for their safety and that of the patrons, the department requests people do not get out of your seat unless absolutely necessary.
There are some upsetting themes within the show. If is in need of additional support, there will be resources posted in the lobby of the theatre.
Performance times are as follows:
Fri., Oct. 21, at 11:30 a.m. AND 6:00 p.m.
Sat., Oct. 22, at 6:00 p.m. (after Folklife!)
Sun., Oct. 23 at 6:00 p.m.