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Moving Forward

Local activist group holds annual meeting
Ferrum Forward Chair Burton White, left, and Vice Chair Bob Pohlad discuss plans for FF and Friends of Ferrum Park.
Ferrum Forward Chair Burton White, left, and Vice Chair Bob Pohlad discuss plans for FF and Friends of Ferrum Park.
Grace Weaver

The Ferrum Forward Committee welcomed its members and guests for the annual membership meeting on Tues., Sept. 10. 

Though the activist group meets monthly, the September meeting is always an important one, according to Vice Chair Bob Pohlad.

“It’s essentially our start-up meeting,” Pohlad explained. “This sets the quorum for the following year.”

With the lack of a treasurer’s report, the meeting commenced at 5:30 p.m. with a welcome, and moved quickly into the election of the year’s officers.

Burton White, interim chair at the time, led the group. 

“All in favor, say aye,” Burton declared on the account of each position.

With a simultaneous series of ayes, the officers were set: 

  • Chair: Burton White
  • Vice Chair: Bob Pohlad 
  • Secretary: Susan Selvage
  • Treasurer: Melissa Anderson 
  • 3 Year Director: Susan Selvage

And, with the election ending, the annual report was presented.

The annual report highlighted the Ferrum Forward Farmer’s Market, the $199,000 grant for a culvert repair in front of the mercantile building, successful campus-to-community events, and most notable to the group, Friends of Ferrum Park.  

Pohlad was sure to mention the efforts of Katrina Harrison, who is known for her work in business and beautification.

“Kat reported that she ‘tried’ with the flower beds in front of the Minute Market.” Pohlad suggested. “But, thanks to the leftover seeds in the compost they were planted in, we now have a cantaloupe patch instead!”

Moving forward, there are many projects in progress that the group sees as goals for the upcoming year, such as the renewal of a community response group, creating a citizenship award, developing a committee-oriented blood drive, and further promoting the FOFP.

Though the meeting did mark a new year, the general agenda for the meeting does stay the same. Henceforth, the group proceeded with the most recent committee reports from the month of August, as well as announcements.

Voter registration has opened on campus and the Ferrum Folklife Festival lies just around the corner, alongside the upcoming performance of Twelfth Night and a Renaissance Fair courtesy of the Theatre Department.

There is a pancake breakfast also set for Sept. 28 and a flea market.

The committee closed following a brief discussion of FOFP.

Ferrum Forward meets on the second Tuesday of each month at 5:30 p.m. at the Blue Ridge Institute and Museum.

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