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It Spin An Adventure for Huffman

Senior describes her struggles and accomplishments with Ferrum Tennis
Hannah Huffman. senior, readies herself for the next shot with the tennis team.
Hannah Huffman. senior, readies herself for the next shot with the tennis team.
Dajah Berger

For Hannah Huffman, life is a racquet.

Well, not her entire life–just when tennis is in season.

She strives for a balance between the two.

Huffman, a senior is an aspiring tennis player and student-athlete majoring in history with a educational studies minor. She hopes to do something in mental health, social media, or maybe even journalism.

Huffman chose Ferrum because of the balance that being a DIII athlete gives with school and personal obligations. On the personal side, she says that it feels like home and expresses that being at a smaller school it makes it easier to focus on both studies and athletics.

“I chose Ferrum because it feels like where I am supposed to be,” she says. “There are a lot of good opportunities, and I have been blessed to have them here.”

She explains that she was going to transfer after her freshman year, but when looking back, she’s glad that she did not move. She decided to stay because she was not going to let someone else run her life or make choices for her.

Huffman said that she loves being on a team where everyone knows you for you and by being on the team there a support system. Being apart of the team is crucial to Huffman, she wants to help others and gain wins for her team while gaining friendships along the way.

“This is something I strive for daily,” says Huffman. 

Huffman believes playing in the ODAC is the best arena for her to be the most competitive and gain more knowledge about her sport.

“My best match was last year against Mary Baldwin when I won a singles match at home for myself and Ferrum,” she says.

The match went into a tie breaker.

She describes it as being extremely long and really stressful, but that she was excited to pull through for her team and herself.

“It was that match that I showed myself even after a loss streak that I could win,” says Huffman.

She describes the excitement and joy that she felt after beating her opponent.

“Being on the team and able to pull that win out was so incredible, and it not only helped me but the team,” says Huffman.

Although now in her senior year, she explains that not having a coach for tennis has been a struggle.

“It is really difficult to not have that structure that is normally given, and it now being up to us to have the want to practice and be better,” says Huffman.

The previous coach was very supportive of Huffman and pushed her to do better, she says.

“You have to find it in your self and push yourself todo better and get reps in,” says Huffman.

Huffman says that it has been a little discouraging to not a have a coach.

“For me, mentally, I have had to push through and show tenacity with my routine of working out and practicing,” she says.

Tj Jala, senior, has been part of the team, working with Huffman for a while now, and shares his thoughts as well.

“Even though it has been hard, I have a lot of respect for Huffman and the dedication she has for the sport,” he says.

The mental part is the hardest says Huffman.

“I believe that everything will work out and prove evident for all of the teams’ hard work,” she says.

Looking to the future, Huffman works diligently to make her dreams possible.

“My passion has always been to help people with my talents and abilities, ” she iterates.

When coming to Ferrum Huffman helped to started Morgan’s Message as a co leader with a higher up representative.  Morgan’s Message is a pathway for her to  help the next person, although she doesn’t have set plans for the future Huffman aspires to help all people.

One of the things that helps Huffman with the way things pan out sometimes is “everything happens for a reason”.

“Everyone struggles with something, from childhood issues to mental health, and by telling myself that, sometimes it helps with the trails,” says Huffman.

The struggles of the future can be stressful, but she has a saying that she lives by:

“Be where you’re feet are at,” she says.

Huffman describes that maintaining direction can be difficult.

“Sometimes in life, we lose sight of the now because we are worrying about the future, when really, some of the best things are happening now,” she says.

Huffman explains how networking and getting involved is super crucial.

“Getting to know more people and networking within the community has been really beneficial for my mental health,” she says.

She is also part of Student Government Association, and she finds this to be really important to be involved with her class mates and hear about their options and how to help the class.

“Hearing about my piers’ thoughts and concerns helps me to stay connected to the student body and help them out with their wants and desires,” Huffman says.

She is also new to Color Guard but is branching out and dipping her feet in other things that fill her up as well.

“Even though I am new to color guard, it has been fun trying it out and exploring,” Huffman says. 

With her future plans still undetermined, Huffman says that she could come back and play for Ferrum for an extra year of eligibility, but she has not decided yet.

“With my time at Ferrum, I believe that this is where I belong, and  I have created memories that will last a lifetime,” she says.

Her teammates speak highly of her

Gabrielle Mendoza, senior, is Huffman’s doubles partner and shares her excitement of playing with Hannah.

“Hannah is such a great teammate. I have had the privilege of being her doubles partner, and I could not ask for a better one,” Mendoza says. “When it comes to tennis, it is important to have a short-term memory and not focusing on the mistakes you have made in a previous match. Hannah has always been there to support me and push me through the hard times. She is the bubbly bright personality of the team, and I cannot wait to play with her for my senior year.”

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