The United States of America is a nation that was built by immigrants. The Statue of Liberty is a symbol of that heritage and is inscribed with the words, “Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free.” Immigration is a tricky topic and has been in need of reform for some time. The new administration wants changes now.
So, on January 20 and 21, 2025, President Trump declared a national emergency and issued several Executive Orders on immigration and border security to address the issues that result from illegal immigration. The concerns are complex and include economic impacts, drug smuggling, human trafficking, and threats to national security and public safety. The administration believes that implementing the proper policies, processes, resources, and funding will help address these challenges and improve our country. The administration is correct in its thinking.
Economic impacts. When immigrants cross the border illegally, southern border communities bear a significant burden. In some cases, migrants have been transported to other cities across the country. Trump issued the order, stating that illegal immigration “places enormous strain on local schools, hospitals, and communities in general, taking precious resources away from the poorest Americans who need them most” (Fact Sheet: President Donald J. Trump Declares a National Emergency at the Southern Border – The White House). Tax dollars fund housing, food, medical care, and education, creating a substantial financial strain on these communities and the nation. I believe that controlling illegal immigration would allow resources to be better allocated to programs that directly benefit American citizens.
Drug smuggling. The highly lethal drug fentanyl has become a significant crisis in our country. In 2023, it killed a staggering 75,000 Americans, and it was the number one cause of death for 18–45 year-olds. (“Fact Sheet: President Donald J. Trump Declares a National Emergency at the Southern Border – The White House”) Data from Customs and Border Protection (CBP) reveals that most of this deadly substance is smuggled through points of entry along our southern border. (“Frontline Against Fentanyl | U.S. Customs and Border Protection”) As of May 2024, CBP reported seizing more than 13,700 pounds of fentanyl. Yet, this lethal drug continues to be easy to access in so many communities. In my opinion, this is a critical mission for our government that demands immediate and uncompromising actions like border security and harsh penalties for smugglers so that we can combat this epidemic before more lives are lost.
Human trafficking. This is another issue of great concern for our country. According to World’s Children, 27% of trafficking victims are children, and that these victims are 4 times more likely to be trafficked for labor rather than sex. (“Child Trafficking Statistics – World’s Children”) CBP also has a focus on confiscating goods from our supply chain that were made from forced labor. In May 2024, CBP intercepted 450 shipments worth over $100 million for further inspection due to suspected forced labor violations. (“CBP Releases May 2024 Monthly Update | U.S. Customs and Border Protection”) I believe it is crucial for our country to do all we can to protect vulnerable individuals, especially children.
National security and public safety. Illegal immigration refers to individuals who enter or remain in a country without proper authorization or documentation. Some of these individuals pose a national security and public safety threat. In Fiscal Year 2024, an estimated 3 million illegal immigrants entered the country with little to no vetting. (Green, MD) This raises concerns about the inability to identify potential hostile actors, terrorists, spies, gangs and the security threats they may pose. (“Protecting The United States From Foreign Terrorists And Other National Security And Public Safety Threats – The White House”) I think that without a focus on thorough screening, there will be missed opportunities to identify and thwart these potential threats.
In my opinion, the most important Executive Order President Trump signed on illegal immigration enforcement will allow the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) to expand their detention infrastructure, begin detaining those arrested and prepare them for deportation. Furthermore, under DHS directives, the order allows Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) to conduct arrests in places like courthouses, hospitals, churches, and schools. (“Trump’s Week One Orders on Immigration Law, Explained Institute”) I believe it is important to arrest, detain and deport those who have illegally entered our country quickly so that we are attacking the issue and cleaning up our country.
Immigration is a complex issue with far-reaching impacts on our country. It is a critical concern that demands our attention and reform. The Executive Orders issued are generating chaos as they are being executed, focusing primarily on the negative aspects of immigration. However, I also recognize the positive contributions of immigration, which promote creativity, ingenuity, and innovation. In a study of more than 880,000 patents issued between 1990 to 2016, 23% were granted to immigrants. (“A New Look at Immigrants’ Outsize Contribution to Innovation in the U.S. | Stanford Graduate School of Business”) Time will tell how the implementation of Trump’s Executive Orders unfolds. Hopefully, we can achieve a balance between ensuring protection and security while also gaining the benefits of innovation.
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